Friday 1 April 2011

Driest March for 100 years

Despite the rain over the last few days, March 2011 could turn out to be the driest in England and Wales for 100 years, according to the Met Office.

I've been religiously watering the new birch trees, apple trees and laurel bushes every day and thankfully they are all looking healthy so far. We were advised to bury a plastic bottle, with its bottom cut off, by the root ball of the trees as we planted them. This has certainly made it easier to get water to the roots.

But with the water butt empty we are now relying on mains water. Maybe this wasn't the best year to decide to move to metered water!


  1. Hi Gillian,
    Lovely to find you via the Ultimate Blog Challenge. I love the idea of making a garden for your daughter's wedding - that's really special.
    We're having a lot of rain here in South West Scotland at the moment - sorry we can't send you any :-)
    Looking forward to reading more of your journey.
    Best wishes
    Heather x

  2. Hi Gillian
    Look forward to more of your gardening tales! It always amazes me when I am told that it has been dry, I think I notice the rainy days more!

  3. If I could send some rain your way, I'd be happy to! We've stayed pretty wet this Spring so far.

    Welcome to the Ultimate Blog Challenge, Gillian. I look forward to following your blog and seeing what "grows" over time. :)
